Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Required Reading For Those Living With Colitis

One of the most important things to do when you have been diagnosed with colitis is to listen to your body, though what is meant by this? Simply, always be aware of how you are feeling and how your bowel is functioning, and understand how to recognise the signals that your health's default mode is changing when either in remission or at the approach of or during a relapse.

When in remission, is the bowel functioning as per normal without any deviations to these patterns and how would you assess any abdominal discomfort? When having a relapse, is the period in question becoming too long, are the trips to the toilet becoming ever greater, and is the pain at its usual intensity or greater? When the default mode is breached, however slightly, this could indicate a potential developing problem.

Everyone who is diagnosed with colitis knows that the chances of a relapse happening sometime in the future are probably 100%. Unfortunately, there is never any certainty of knowing when it will appear. The problem is all too often it can occur out of nowhere when it is least expected. If a colitis relapse could be effectively timed with any degree of accuracy, it would make life for the sufferer a little easier. Until such a day arrives, colitis sufferers have to continue to live their lives as normally as possible, yet always at the back of their mind there is the thought that a relapse might appear from nowhere.

It is therefore essential for a sufferer to be aware of their default health mode and be able to recognise any changes that occur immediately. If this is undertaken, then time is not lost by not taking the required medication to assist the body in defending itself from the colitis symptoms. Secondly, it is important to develop a specific way to ensure that when a relapse does occur, its progress can be measured. If there is deviation from the established plan, then you will know to take further action with wasting time.

By adopting these simple procedures, the sufferer can avoid the unnecessary situation whereby they leave themselves open to the mercy of colitis and all the potential suffering that it brings. Whilst there is no cure for colitis, there are methods to reduce the impact that it has on a sufferer's daily life when both in remission and when a relapse occurs. And this is only possible if the person starts to listen to their body.

It is thus exceedingly important for a sufferer's future wellbeing to anticipate and be aware of their own state of health in order to manage this difficult disease. There is some personal responsibility required in addition to the advice and help offered by a doctor or hospital consultant and they will find that fellow sufferers who have taken these actions are better able to reduce the impact that colitis symptoms have both in times of remission and relapses. Discovering these exact steps can make a huge difference in making colitis much more manageable.

by : Michael Tasker
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Active Cases of Testosterone

Testosterone actions could in some unusual ways is very beneficial and also detrimental inside ones body. On the good side of the overall equation, the hormone does have obvious impact upon the growth of the muscles of the body, general production of erythrocytes as well as the overall organism’s well being and nature. However, it could bring some negative effects which might be obtrusive in the case of body growths, production of some excess skin oils, and increase in production of body hair from scalp to the face as well as in the levels of LDL and HDL, which are good and bad body cholesterol respectively.

Essentially, males do have considerable shorter lifespan as compared to females, which has been believed vastly to be as a result of cardiovascular related problems that testosterone occasions in their anatomies. The hormone basically converts into estrogen while in the body, a type of hormone which contains its original unique basic set in terms of effects. A raise in the levels of the hormone estrogen in males could literally increase ones obvious inclination to be to notice the retention of water, accumulation of fat as well as often causing a development along the lines of female breast tissues commonly known as gynecomastia.

It is absolutely clear that some of the adverse effects that emanate from usage of steroids happen to be some of those actions which emanate from testosterone, occasionally ignored once a person is using steroids. In raising amounts of testosterone, the body usually is on the forefront of enhancing the positive and negative properties, though for most of the time it is not toxic reactions that we see out of the anabolic steroids. A more notable and clear exception that is clear to this kind of usage is the unmistakable lethal advent complications of the liver, which are a curios worry depicted by the usage of the c17 alkylated oral alpha steroids.

But unless an athlete or bodybuilder has been in the intake of androgenic anabolic steroids in an abusive manner for some long periods, the side effects are rarely seen or experienced. Some have even thought usage of steroids periodically could even be healthier in the long run. Clearly, the physical shape of a person could relate very closely to their overall health and even generalized well being.

It is quite right to state that if one uses steroids with a dose of common sense where he/she takes occasional health medical check-ups plus a choice of the right steroid that will work for him as well as the right dosage and taking some deserved off-time, it is possible to enjoy anabolic steroids and their effects, but justification of this kind of fact is quite hard since the steroids have been under stigmatization by so many a people.

In essence, the usage of steroids has been stigmatized and controversies in terms of the effects, adverse or positive have raising a cloud of sheer discrimination. This is obvious, since many adverse effects have been reported, yet for those who have been using them wisely, the steroids have been kind to them; bring about some positive effects and transform ones physique.

by : Dane Fletcher
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Is Hemorrhoid Cure Really Possible?

If you have been troubled by hemorrhoids and are talking to your doctor about this debilitating problem, eight times out of ten, your doctor will tell you that there is no hemorrhoid cure and that they usually go away by themselves once whatever the cause of the hemorrhoid has gone away. The ninth doctor will tell you that surgery is the only sure-fire hemorrhoid cure and he/she will book you in for hemorrhoid banding surgery or some other procedure at the next possible opportunity. The tenth doctor might, if you're lucky, mention a selection of home treatments that can produce a hemorrhoid cure.

In cases like this, it is important that you do some research into this matter. But due to the extreme personal nature of this issue, it is very difficult to differentiate the facts from the fiction. (see for details)

While some doctors still continue to be true to their real intentions of curing their patients, most of them have taken the path of profit. One of the most common solutions they suggest would some type of expensive topical cream. These creams will bring your pain and irritation down but they will do nothing to cure the root cause of hemorrhoids. They simply serve the interest of the drug company which profits every time you buy the product.

That is why it is important for you to do a bit of research on your own. A Hemorrhoid is like an ugly symbol trying to convey a message. Your body is trying to tell you something is wrong. Once you identify the problem and work towards resolving it, your hemorrhoid cure is simply a step away.
Conventional medicine always treats only the symptoms of an illness and forgets to solve the root issue causing this problem. The advantage of a natural hemorrhoids cure is that, it is usually holistic, i.e. it considers multiple factors that contribute towards these external/internal hemorrhoids and then help you solve the core issues causing the trouble.
So how do you find a doctor/solution to get a good hemorrhoid cure?
Here are a few screeners to help you weed out the unhelpful ones.

1. If your doctors say hemorrhoids will go away by themselves and you don't need to do anything about them, its time you change your doctor.
2. If the first thing they mention is cryosurgery, you are better off getting a second opinion.
3. If someone tells you to use a laxative to ease off the pain, please don't walk, just run away from them. Laxative cause more irritation and builds up the hemorrhoids pain.

There are too many to list here. On the whole, if you have recently discovered that you have hemorrhoids, do not panic. It is curable and without a big bill too. You will need to have some patience and also ready to try some of the simple natural hemorrhoids cures.

While there is a lot of misinformation and half truth on the web the guide lines I suggested above should help you sift through the wrong ones.

by : Stuart Hans
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Looking For Best over the Counter Acne Treatment

Acne is very unlikable skin condition, which young and old is now learning to stay with it. However there are some ways in which the person can take few steps to help get better the situation. Normally a person will consult their doctor who will prescribe some type of treatment to deal with the condition. But, today no longer does person require doing this instead they can go to their normal drugstore and take up a best over the counter acne treatment from their skin.

How does somebody decide which is best over the counter acne treatment for them to make use of and whose recommendation should they pay attention to? In fact since there are lots of advertisements around about these acne products it makes it very difficult for anybody suffering from the acne to identify which one is the best for them.

First thing however anybody should do is to make a decision whether they desire to use a customary form of medication or else go for the more natural products or else remedies, which they can purchase. Certainly number of different natural acne products available is progressively growing and as progressively people want to direct much more fit and normal life styles they want to use further holistic and best over the counter acne treatment methods instead. But it is best you do some research to make sure that you are completely aware of what you have to do for your skin.

Benzoyl peroxide is as well very effectual for removing dead skin cells. These build up on your skin and can end result in development of pimples and these dead skin cells later combine together with the body’ naturally happening sebum ensuing in whiteheads as well as blackheads.
Benzoyl peroxide has been shown to be very effective and secure in fighting scratches. You can as well use it after the acne has cleared up in order to keep your skin liberated from bacteria, which causes acne. One and only side effect, which may be linked with is dry skin. Dried skin can be shunned by cutting back on frequency of usage. Care should be further taken to maintain benzoyl peroxide from getting in touch with hair and clothing as it can act as bleach.

Salicylic acid is one more ingredient, which has been found very successful in the acne medications. On my son's circumstance we found that solution having 2% salicylic acid also works very well. Salicylic acid works to clear up the dead skin cells that tend to clog all your pores. As with the benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid must continue to be utilized on your skin after acne has been cleared up. This might stop outbreaks of the acne from happening. Again only side effect might be aggravated and dry skin.

If you desire to use customary medical treatments, which are further more straightforward, then it will contain salycic acid or else benzoyl peroxide. But when in fact deciding what is best over the counter acne treatment as every product is suitable to diverse people in diverse ways. One most important thing you might find is that majority of the products might treat the trouble by drying skin to prevent any surplus oil building up on your skin.

So instead of purchasing a best over the counter acne treatment that looks best inside the shop you must instead ask pharmacist which one they think to be best for you to employ. Pharmacists will have many years of experience in dealing with this problem and are likely able to know which type of products will work best for you.

by : twinkle
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Treatment of Yeast Infections

If you all haven't been so having much luck with to conventional medications that so doctors provide you with for your yeast infection though , trying a home treatment may not be that such a bad idea. A recently conducted survey that suggested at least 75% of women will fall their victim to a yeast infection and many will have a further good chance of suffering to more than one time.

Unlike so what many people think for these repetitive attacks aren't the basic cause of new infections but the reappearance of that something called "Candida" is. If you aren't so able to diminish the presence of Candida to its fullest so than you should expect to have much repeat attacks.

This organism is so accountable for the effects of a best treatment yeast infection. It usually lives within the body and doesn't cause any other issues but when that overgrowth begins, the symptoms also begin. But, there are also other ways to get rid of Candida obviously.

A fully innate antibacterial substance is Tea Tree oil for this. Add a few drops of this to your warm bath that because it is one of the other natural ways of curing Candida. Also, it be capable of be used as a tips pessary. A lot of women have also found that this method is most effective when used to internally. This is because so it is solving the problem and not mere just temporarily relieving it like archetypal meds do.

Natural pro-biotic yogurt is that yet another home treatment that can be further used to get rid of a yeast infection. The pro-biotic's within that Lactobacillus, are so said to be helpful in reloading the other body's supplies that have already been so depleted. Some people have also noticed that most gently rubbing some on the swollen vaginal tissue that works wonders. Some have found that soaking a much tampon in this substance then inserting it right for a couple of hours can be useful too.

by : jeniferhobson
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How to Treat Gallstones - Natural Health Secrets about your Gallbladder and Stones

Are you wondering how to treat gallstones? This year alone, about one-half of a million Americans will remove their organ, the gallbladder because of gallstone problems. Unfortunately, western medicine still believes that removing an organ is the best treatment for gallstones.

However, thousands of people will treat their problem with an alternative treatment which helps the body flush the gallbladder. In the process of flushing the gallbladder, the stones are painlessly passed from the body.

However, most medical establishments do not recommend passing your stones naturally because it could mean millions of dollars lost from less cholecystectomy surgeries. In this article, you will learn some simple natural health secrets about treating this problem naturally.

How to Save Thousands of Dollars and Your Organ

Imagine saving thousands of dollars and passing your gallstone at home. Though this sounds too good to be true, it just may be easier than you expect. One of the most popular ways to treat this common disease is with a liver and gallbladder cleanse.

With a liver cleanse, you are rewarding the liver for its daily work and in the process you are helping alleviate the possibility of additional strain being placed on the gallbladder with the excess cholesterol and bile salts that can accumulate with an under-functioning liver.

Many people have found that using simple vegetables, fruits, herbs and basic cooking ingredients can quickly and painlessly pass gallstones.

How to Pass Your Gallstones from Home

1. Many people begin a home treatment by supplementing magnesium. For instance, magnesium has been shown to reduce the risk of stone development in the gallbladder. Many natural health doctors recommend a diet that has about 400 mg a day of magnesium.

2. You may also wish to prevent gallstones with preventing them from forming. By avoiding saturated fats, such as red meats and pork, you will help the gallbladder cleanse itself. Your gallbladder will then be able to work at flushing the stones naturally.

3. Fiber has been shown to help flush cholesterol from the gallbladder and also help the liver's effectiveness. Fiber therapy is a commonly used treatment to help both the liver and gallbladder work more effectively. One part of the treatment calls for 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

4. Another quick tip is to drink one cup of coffee daily. Recent studies have shown that coffee will increase the flow of bile and decrease the risk of developing gallstones.

5. Try converting the cholesterol stones into bile by supplementing ascorbic acid, vitamin C to your diet. You can supplement 3000 mg daily.

by : Joe barton
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Penis Size - What Is The Average Penis Size & Normal Shape Of A Man's Willy

Is your penis normal? Unless you have two them then it is likely your penis falls in the category of what is deemed normal. A normal penis can be any shape or size. Just because you're John Thomas is not as big as the next bloke's, or as fat, thin or long, it shouldn't give you reason to think your penis is abnormal. In fact, have you not thought it may be the next bloke's penis that is not natural?

No matter whom you look to for reassurance, if you're concerned about the size of your willy you may want proof of normality written down in black and white. Some men will only accept evidence this way before listening to other guys.

Nearly every fella is curious about their penis and how it measures up, and this is perfectly natural. A normal size penis is not limited to one a particular notch on the ruler. The penis at specific stages while man is developing will appear different. Some lads as early as 9 may see change while others don't until 15 or over.

All men vary, so making a prediction for normal growth is difficult to accurately determine. When lads hit puberty, it is the time they begin to notice transformations happening in and around their body. Puberty brings pubic hair development, testicular growth, muscle development, and a growth spurt. Despite what you hear fella's don't go spending your hard earned cash on products to help increase (growth) the size of your Willy because they don't work. There are no exercises, supplements, or secret diets that speed up penis development or change the size.

Aside from the size of the penis being the most common worry other concerns include, if the skin covering the penis is normal or if it's OK for the penis to hang to the left or right (yes they are.) At the time of puberty have regular testicular exams. If you're stressing out about development because your comparing yourself to the other guy, don't, he's probably at a different stage of development than you.

What is the normal size of man's penis? Let's not use the word normal but the more fitting, "average." Average simply means seeing "lots" of penis's the same size. Men who worry over the size of their penis often suffer serious bouts of low self esteem and depression; this is not good for their health. Both issues can affect a man mentally and his performance in the bedroom.

When men come looking for answers their reason is usually connected to sex. If sex weren't part of the equation, men would be content with the size of their penis, and not bothered if it were normal or not. Man and his penis have a purpose to serve, so therefore want their penis in tip top shape to fulfill the purpose it was created for.

To give an accurate size of the average penis is difficult due to how each man measures himself. To find out what is logged down as average might include you checking out health sites and their surveys carried out to draw your own conclusions based on them. For instance, one most relied upon studies was performed by renowned sex researcher Dr. Kinsey in the 1940s. The research for the average penis size involved about 3,500 college age men. The results were that the average erect length was about 6.21 inches, while the average erect girth was 4.85 inches. The final outcome was questioned and voted unreliable due to the fact that all men who took part were of the same race, nationality, and age white, American, and college age, respectively. Furthermore, the study was carried out in private quarters, wherein the men measured their own bits.

Penis Problems (Male Conditions)

How serious should a condition be before a man seeks medical attention? It's not about seriousness. If there is a condition present then see your GP. Most men only seek medical help if they have painful erections and/or difficulty with sexual intercourse, this is not good lads. If there is problem get it checked out.

Peyronie's Disease

Primary symptom of Peyronie's disease is curving of the penis when erect. Pain is another symptom which worsens as the penis becomes increasingly distorted. A bend in the penis, usually at the top of the shaft causes an upward bend. Curvatures that show towards the bottom of the penis shaft usually cause a downward bend. Other pain is set off by hardened, cord-like legions. The legions harden as a result of the formation of solid plaque on the upper or lower side of the penis in layers holding erectile tissue. Plaque can cause inflammation which can develop into a full scar with hard and rigid scar tissue.

If the penis is affected by Peyronie's disease it typically bends in one direction, often with the angle of curvature in excess of 45 degrees. There's no need to become frantic if it's slightly curved, but if curving happens suddenly, or the penis has suffered some sort of strain talk to your doctor. Symptoms of Peyronie's Disease can gradually develop or rapidly occur. Usually if it is quick, it is sometimes due to a penile injury.


Young boys born with Hypospadias have a urethral opening on the bottom of the shaft of their penis (where they urinate and ejaculate) rather than at the end. Roughly10% of the 400 to 500 new born babies with the condition has undescended testicles. Surgery to rectify Hypospadias is normally done before the lad reaches school age/puberty. The operation involves creating a tube to lengthen the urethra to the end of the penis. The original hole is normally left as it is since the urethra now bypasses it.


Priapism is a condition you can't ignore, as it can be serious and painful. It is an involuntary prolonged painful erection that men have no control over that won't deflate for hours on end or days. The erection is not linked to sexual stimulation. It can affect all men, and is a critical crisis with risks of subsequent impotency. Chiefly, priapism is the result of penile upset or infection. Secondary causes involve sickle cell disease, stroke or spinal cord injury.


Phimosis causes tightening of the foreskin that thwarts full retraction of the foreskin from the top of the penis. There are two usual types, infant Phimosis and acquired Phimosis. Infant Phimosis has an easily identifiable tubular form...and grown up or acquired Phimosis is a thin contour of skin tissue sited towards the front of the inner foreskin that tapers the opening of the foreskin, A phimotic ring can hinder and prevent retraction of the foreskin over and behind the glans. Foreskin can get wedged behind the glans causing excruciating pain. Treatment for Phimosis is normally circumcision, but not in all cases. It would depend on the degree of Phimosis.

One of two questions asked regular is, is it normal for thick veins to be seen running along the penis. Yes. Veins run through all body parts and the penis is no exception. For some men, the appearance or change in color of veins is a result of poorly functioning valves in their testicles. There are a great number of veins around the penis, but one most noticeable is located on the top of the penis called the dorsal vein. To achieve an erection an ample amount of blood is brought by arteries to the sinuses in the body of the penis. The blood is then drained out through the veins in order for the penis to become flaccid.

The second questioncan men get thrush. Yes they can.

Something tells me you're here because you have a worry over your penis, if so what you read here won't cure your problem. Information as such is a quick fix, in either putting your mind at rest or making you aware about any condition you "may" have.

by : Kacy Carr
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Ovarian Cysts : Treatments

The pain that females endure from Ovarian Cysts can be intense and cause a great deal of suffering. But these brave women often just grin and bear it.

There are several treatment options available to you if you have just discovered that you have an Ovarian Cyst and you will find some of the best and most common described in this article.

Some Kinds Of Treatment Available To Cure Ovarian Cysts.

Removal of Ovarian Cysts by surgery is a last resort and is an extreme form of treatment. However, there is no damage to the ovaries when the Ovarian Cyst is removed.

The Cystectomy surgical procedure is mostly reserved for women with cancer of the bladder. But in the cases when the cysts is cancerous, this is usually not carried out and instead, one or two ovaries may be removed.

Removal of the ovaries, resulting from cancerous Ovarian Cysts, is a very serious operation and is only carried out as a last resort. Here are one of the reasons why. The removal of the ovaries is undertaken by a procedure called Oophorectomy following which the function of the body to produce or regulate estrogen ceases. To counter-balance this deficiency a course of Hormone Replacement Therapy is usually prescribed.

In the case of non-cancerous Ovarian Cysts, there are alternative treatments to surgery. The alternatives are sometimes successful in not only preventing Ovarian Cysts to grow in the first place, but can also make the disappear completely. Naturally, we are only talking about non-cancerous cases here. Cancerous cases always involve surgery.

The Pill

One unlikely treatment option for ovarian cysts is the contraceptive pill.

Many medics prescribe the birth pill not to do away with the current cyst, but to head off future ones from forming. The hormones in the pill can prevent cysts from growing any larger. This happens because the patient can miss a few periods.

According to medical investigation, it is safe for females to go 3 months without having a period. An Ovarian Cyst can't be formed when a women is not menstruating and that won't happen if she misses periods.

If the formation of Ovarian Cysts is a family trait, or they occur frequently, then taking the birth pill is maybe something to try.

Other Methods Of Treating Non-Cancerous Ovarian Cysts

If you would like to try out alternative treatments then making specific changes to your diet and adding a few antioxidant supplements may be the best choice.

Excellent results have been reported by some practitioners of and they positively rave about them. This is in contrast to others who have tried them and are lukewarm at best, only serving to recall that one particular remedy is not for everyone.

One thing to keep in mind with alternative treatments is that you should consult your doctor first. This is true before you make any changes to your diet and lifestyle.

If you are an Ovarian Cyst sufferer, then you now have some alternative remedy suggestions to think about and perhaps research further. Further research will give more information, but before finally deciding you should check out your ideas with your physician before going ahead because he will be able to help you determine what option is best for you.

Coming out of her appalling experience of defeating a particularly large and debilitating Ovarian Cyst, Olivia Curtis decided to pass on her story to fellow suffers so that they might benefit from her knowledge and research.

This can be found at her website which contains not only her story and useful articles, but also several videos showing what Ovarian Cysts are and how they can be treated.

by : Olivia Curtis
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Psoriasis Questions, Answers and Advice

According to the Natural Psoriasis Foundation, between 150,000 and 260,000 new cases of Psoriasis are diagnosed each year and as many as many as 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis. Psoriasis [pronounced sore-EYE-ah-sis] is a noncontagious, auto immune, lifelong skin disease. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious.

There are five types of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic. The most common form, plaque psoriasis, appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells, called scale. Psoriasis can occur on any part of the body and is associated with other serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and depression.

In addition to its physical impact on your skin, psoriasis can also affect your emotional, psychological and social well-being. This visible and lifelong disease may change how you view yourself and interact with others. For the most part, people with psoriasis function normally. Sometimes people experience low self-esteem because of the psoriasis. Psoriasis is often misunderstood by the public, which can make social interactions difficult. This may lead to emotional reactions such as anxiety, anger, embarrassment and depression. Psoriasis can affect the type of work people do if it is visible.

Frequently asked questions about Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated, genetic disease manifesting in the skin and/or the joints. According to the National Institutes of Health, as many as 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis. In plaque psoriasis, the most common type, patches of skin called "lesions" become inflamed and are covered by silvery white scale. Psoriasis can be limited to a few lesions or can involve moderate to large areas of skin. The severity of psoriasis can vary from person to person; however, for most people, psoriasis tends to be mild.

Is psoriasis contagious?

No, psoriasis is not contagious. It is not something you can "catch" or "pass on." The psoriatic lesions may not look good, but they are not infections or open wounds. People with psoriasis pose no threat to the health or safety of others.

What causes psoriasis?

No one knows exactly what causes psoriasis, but it is believed to have a genetic component. Most researchers agree that the immune system is somehow mistakenly triggered, which speeds up the growth cycle of skin cells. A normal skin cell matures and falls off the body's surface in 28 to 30 days. But a psoriatic skin cell takes only three to four days to mature and move to the surface. Instead of falling off (shedding), the cells pile up and form the lesions.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

No special blood tests or diagnostic tools exist to diagnose psoriasis. The physician or other health care provider usually examines the affected skin and decides if it is from psoriasis. Less often, the physician examines a piece of skin (biopsy) under the microscope.

Is there a cure for psoriasis?

There is no cure, but many different treatments, both topical (on the skin) and systemic (throughout the body) such as Dermasis, can clear psoriasis for periods of time. People often need to try out different treatments before they find one that works for them.

What treatments are the best for me?

The unpredictable nature of psoriasis makes treatment challenging for many people. A wide range of treatments is available. No single psoriasis treatment works for everyone, but something will work for most people. It is hard to predict what will work for a particular individual; however, it is important to be open-minded and willing to work with your doctor to find a treatment that will work for you.

Is all psoriasis alike?

No. There are various forms of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common. Other forms are:

* Guttate [GUH-tate], characterized by small dot-like lesions
* Pustular [PUHS-choo-ler], characterized by weeping lesions and intense scaling
* Inverse, characterized by intense inflammation
* Erythrodermic [eh-REETH-ro-der-mik], characterized by intense shedding and redness of the skin

Psoriasis can range from mild to moderate to very severe and disabling.

Can psoriasis affect all parts of the body?

Psoriasis most commonly appears on the scalp, knees, elbows and torso. But psoriasis can develop anywhere, including the nails, palms, soles, genitals and face (which is rare). Often the lesions appear symmetrically, which means in the same place on the right and left sides of the body.

Can psoriasis occur at any age?

Psoriasis often appears between the ages of 15 and 35, but it can develop at any age. Approximately 10 percent to 15 percent of those with psoriasis get it before age 10. Some infants have psoriasis, although this is considered rare.

Is psoriasis more prevalent in men or women, or in different ethnic groups?

Psoriasis occurs nearly equally in men and women across all socioeconomic groups. It is also present in all racial groups, but in varying rates.

What health complications are associated with psoriasis?

The skin, the largest organ in the body, plays an important role. It controls body temperature and serves as a barrier to infection. Large areas of psoriasis can lead to infection, fluid loss and poor blood flow (circulation).

Is psoriasis linked to other diseases?

Psoriatic arthritis is a specific type of arthritis that has been diagnosed in approximately 23 percent of people who have psoriasis, according to the Psoriasis Foundation's 2001 Benchmark Survey. Psoriatic arthritis is similar to rheumatoid arthritis but generally milder. In psoriatic arthritis, the joints and the soft tissue around them become inflamed and stiff. Psoriatic arthritis can affect the fingers and toes and may involve the, neck, lower back, knees and ankles. In severe cases, psoriatic arthritis can be disabling and cause irreversible damage to joints.

If I have psoriasis does that mean I will develop psoriatic arthritis?

Approximately 10 percent to 30 percent of people with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis, although it often may go undiagnosed, particularly in its milder forms. It can develop at any time, but for most people it appears between the ages of 30 and 50. Having psoriasis does not guarantee that you will eventually develop psoriatic arthritis.

How severe can my psoriasis become?

Psoriasis can be mild, moderate or severe. Three percent to 10 percent of the body affected by psoriasis is considered to be a moderate case. More than 10 percent is considered severe. The palm of the hand equals 1 percent of the skin. However, the severity of psoriasis is also measured by how psoriasis affects a person's quality of life. Psoriasis can have a serious impact even if it involves a small area, such as the palms of the hands or soles of the feet.

What are psoriasis triggers?

Triggers can include emotional stress, injury to the skin, some types of infection and reactions to certain drugs. Stress can cause psoriasis to flare for the first time or aggravate existing psoriasis. Psoriasis can also be triggered in areas of the skin that have been injured or traumatized. This is known as the "Koebner phenomenon." Vaccinations, sunburns and scratches can all trigger a Koebner response. The Koebner response can be treated if it is caught early enough. Certain medications, like antimalarial drugs, lithium and certain beta-blockers, are also known to cause people's psoriasis to flare. Other triggers may include weather, diet and allergies. Triggers will vary from person to person and what may cause one person's psoriasis to flare may produce no reaction in another individual.

Why does my psoriasis itch, and how do I control the itching?

Itching that is associated with psoriasis arises when certain chemicals stimulate nerve fibers just below the outer layer of the skin. Itch messages travel to the brain along the same pathways in the nervous system that carry pain messages. Itch messages trigger the urge to scratch.

One of the simplest ways for people with psoriasis to control itch is by keeping the skin moisturized. Dry skin can induce and aggravate itch. Many people also rely on simple, inexpensive measures, such as pressing a wet towel against the itchy spot. Others find cold showers and cold packs offer relief. Other treatments for itch include antihistamines, steroids, capsaicin, topical anesthetics, topical immunomodulators, antidepressants and aspirin.

Will having psoriasis affect my lifestyle or quality of life?

For the most part, people with psoriasis function normally. Sometimes people experience low self-esteem because of the psoriasis. Psoriasis is often misunderstood by the public, which can make social interactions difficult. This may lead to emotional reactions such as anxiety, anger, embarrassment and depression. Psoriasis can affect the type of work people do if it is visible.

What is the financial impact of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic (life-long) illness. Most people need ongoing treatments and visits to the doctor. In severe cases, people may need to be hospitalized. About 56 million hours of work are lost each year by people who suffer from psoriasis, and between $1.6 billion and $3.2 billion is spent per year to treat psoriasis.

Is there hope for a cure?

Yes. Researchers are studying psoriasis more than ever before. They understand much more about its genetic causes and how it involves the immune system. The National Psoriasis Foundation and the federal government are promoting and funding research to find the cause and cure for psoriasis.

If you have Psoriasis, getting relief for your skin is a top priority. While there is currently no cure, the FDA-approved active ingredient in Dermasis Psoriasis Cream works to help control your skin symptoms in a smooth, non-greasy formula that absorbs quickly—and will not stain your clothes or skin.Dermasis Psoriasis Cream helps fight the symptoms that cause your skin to look red and patchy with a two-fold approach: encouraging shedding of dead skin cells and penetrates deep down to moisturize your skin.

Psoriasis causes your skin cells to replicate at an extremely rapid rate (about 8 times faster than normal), which makes cells build up on your skin's surface—forming thick, unsightly patches (or plaques) of red lesions covered in dead skin. Dermasis's active ingredient, 2% Salicylic Acid, stimulates the shedding of this layer of dead skin cells to help alleviate your psoriasis. It also has ingredients to help deep moisturize your skin.

Dermasis uses gentle moisturizers, essential oils, emollients and PH balancers to help your skin feel smoother and promote healing, including:

Palm Oil: Easily penetrates the skin, and forms a thin, protective layer.

Vitamin E Acetate: A powerful antioxidant that increases moisture of the skin's outer layer and may provide protection against Ultra Violet damage.

Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Trea Oil): This essential oil has been used by Australian Aborigines for hundreds of years to promote healthy skin.

If you are ready to sooth the itching, redness, and scaling of Psoriasis then Dermasis Psoriasis cream maybe right for you. To learn more about how this cream can help you visit my website

by : Simon Jones
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Are You Suffering from Panic Attacks?

I've listed the telltale signs of panic attacks below. Recall your most recent panic attack - which ones are you experiencing?

Taken individually, these symptoms may be meaningless, or signal something completely different than you are having a panic attack. It's when you have several together, or for a long period of time, or in the presence of actual danger, that a panic attack may be occurring.

Remember – our bodies are "hard wired” to react to danger (the “fight or flight” response). It's up to you to interpret your situation with some logic and reason and then decide on the best course of action.

The Symptoms of Panic Attacks

The predominant symptoms of panic include:

--Sudden onset of increased heart beat, pounding heart or palpitations,
--Chest Pain or Discomfort
--Choking sensations,
--Dizziness, unsteadiness or vertigo
--Derealization (feeling unreal or dreamy)
--Depersonalization (feeling outside yourself or like you don't exist)

There is often also a secondary fear of dying, losing control, or going crazy.

These symptoms may also indicate you are having a panic attack:

* Sweating
* Shaking visibly or inside
* Choking sensations or lump in throat
* Smothering or shortness of breath sensations
* Nausea, bloating, indigestion or abdominal discomfort
* Feeling light-headed
* Fear of losing control or going crazy
* Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) in face, extremities or body
* Chills or hot flushes
* Skin losing color
* Blushing or skin blotches
* Urgently needing to urinate or defecate

Note -- clinically the word “symptom” is used by doctors to depict the effects of an illness, however, panic is not an illness. It's a condition resulting from an internal “state”, including your physiology (body chemistry, stance, condition) along with the thoughts, feelings and emotions you are having at the same time. The “symptoms” you experience during panic are a set of physical and internal experiences caused by the “fight or flight” response and your evaluation (thoughts) about that response.

Your Experience

You can only experience true fear when there is something existing, in the moment, to be afraid of. When you have a panic attack when there is nothing to be afraid of, then your experience may be a panic attack.

You may mistake the symptoms of anxiety with the symptoms of panic attacks. How can you tell if you are suffering from anxiety, or a panic attack? You can read about anxiety here:

Panic Attacks and Anxiety

If you are constantly worried, to the point that it affects your activities and your lifestyle, you my have “generalized anxiety disorder.” Anxiety is not tied to any specific circumstances or situations. Are you suffering from the symptoms of panic, or anxiety?

The biggest indicator of whether you have “generalized anxiety disorder, or having a panic attack, is how long your symptoms last - are they ongoing, or for only a short term. Another sign of panic attacks is if the attacks occur in specific situations, or when you have specific thoughts about something or someone, in which case you may want to seek treatment for phobias.

Panic is a condition that normally lasts for a comparatively short term – 5 to 30 minutes. Panic may come on quickly for no obvious reason, or be set off by something that reminds you of an event in the past where there was danger, or at least you thought there was (possibly a phobic response). However, in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), panic disorder is defined as “... recurrent attacks of severe anxiety (panic), which are not restricted to any particular situation or set of circumstances and are therefore unpredictable. “


Panic attacks can lead to phobias if left untreated. Phobias are a type of anxiety about a specific object or experience, such as snakes, heights, flying, enclosed spaces, etc. It's a phobia when you worry about it all the time, or thinking about it makes you miserable, or unable to function.

by : Dan DeLuca
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Every Mental Illness is a Chronic Disease: Including Depression.

Misconceptions about mental illness have existed for centuries. Accused of everything from moral failings to demonic possession, people with mental illness had been forced to hide their suffering. The Surgeon General of the United States reported in 1999 that stigma was the single largest barrier to the recovery of people with mental illness, making it harder for people to get treatment as well as find housing, jobs, and friends. Nearly two-thirds of people with mental illness do not get the help they need.

Today we understand that mental illness is not only treatable, but that it is a chronic disease like asthma or diabetes. Classifying mental illness as a chronic disease may seem surprising, but consider the statistics. Nearly one in five Americans has a mental disorder, and mental illness is the leading cause of workplace absenteeism. Depression, one of the most common mental illnesses, is harder on people's health than long-term illnesses like angina, arthritis, asthma, and diabetes. A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that depression and anxiety are two major causes of health problems and chronic illnesses, including asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Emergency rooms are overcrowded with people with mental illness. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, almost one-fourth of all stays in U.S. community hospitals-7.6 million of nearly 32 million stays-involved depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health disorders or addiction disorders. Our contemporary response to mental illness has been to treat mental illness as an acute illness-with a hospital stay followed by a referral to a doctor or clinic in the community.

Unfortunately, the outcome is often relapse and repeated cycles of high-cost hospital stays. The coverage for treatment of mental illness contrasts sharply with its chronic nature. Only an estimated one-fifth of U.S. workers with employer sponsored health insurance are covered by strong parity laws that mandate mental health benefits, prohibit limits on outpatient visits and inpatient days, and limit the extent to which enrollees are burdened with higher cost sharing for mental health services.

Managing the Disease

With adequate treatment and support, people can learn to manage their mental illness and can recover sufficiently to have full, productive lives even if they are not cured. In fact, recovery rates for mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder surpass the treatment success rates for many physical disorders such as heart disease.

But there are major challenges to the well being of people with mental illness. Contributing to the complexity of successful treatment is poor employment status and resulting poverty; high levels of substance use and physical illnesses; and difficulty with adherence to treatment regimens.

The same kind of care-management approaches effective in treating physical conditions such as diabetes or asthma-approaches that offer continuity, coordination and comprehensiveness-can also work for mental illness. The millions of Americans who are living with mental illness need the confidence and skills to manage their condition; the most appropriate treatments for optimal disease control and prevention of complications; a mutually understood care plan that includes coordination among all physicians and support-service providers; and careful, continuous follow up.

People with mental illnesses are no different than people living with arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. They need to be evaluated, insured, and treated. They need continued care and monitoring.

Ending Insurance Discrimination

Adequate care requires adequate dollars. Public insurance pays for at least 75 percent of treatment services for people with chronic and serious mental illnesses in community settings. Despite its discriminatory approach, it is the only option for millions of poor, unemployed, homeless, incarcerated, and other vulnerable populations with mental illness. So we must act to end the discrimination. We must eliminate ongoing and threatened cuts to Medicaid. And Medicare must stop requiring higher copays from people with mental illness, while strengthening its sadly inadequate mental health benefits package.

Private insurance also discriminates against people with mental illness. Currently, only an estimated one-fifth of U.S. workers with employer sponsored health insurance are covered by strong parity laws that mandate mental health benefits, prohibit limits on outpatient visits and inpatient days, and limit the extent to which enrollees are burdened with higher cost sharing for mental health services.

The recent House passage of the parity bill-the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act-offers hope, taking us closer to ending discriminatory private health insurance policies that deny or restrict access to treatment for people who are suffering from mental illnesses and addiction disorders. If it becomes law, the bill will require health insurers to offer mental health benefits equal in cost and scope to medical and surgical benefits. It will prevent insurers from requiring larger copayments or imposing lower reimbursement ceilings for mental illnesses and addictions.

We have indeed come a long way in how we perceive and treat mental illnesses. But more needs to be done to meet the needs and manage the costs of this chronically ill population. Now is the time to put mental illnesses on an equal footing with other chronic diseases. The sooner that mental illnesses achieve parity, the sooner millions of Americans can get on the road to recovery.

by: Linda Rosenburg
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Remove Sun Damaged Skin

To remove sun damaged skin can be done in just 3 easy steps. But first let's look at what causes the skin to be damaged by the sun.

What Causes Sun Damaged Skin?

Obviously, it's the sun. But more specially it is the UV sunrays that cause the harm. In simple terms, it is staying exposed to too much direct sunlight during peak sun hours.

Limiting overexposure to the sun will prevent damage to the skin. If you have ever had a sunburn you know that the forehead, nose, face and the neck really get the brunt of it. Also the hands and arms catch it.

Just doing the above prevention step will do wonders for your skin recovery. In other words, don't keep 'throwing salt in the wound'. Get out of and stay out of the sun.

Now here are the 3 easy steps to prevent and restore sun-damaged skin.

Step 1 - When you do go out into the sun apply zinc oxide to the exposed skin area. Do not use sunscreen because it is absorbed into the skin. And it blocks vitamin D. I know that is advice contrary to what is popular. Zinc oxide does not vanish into the skin but keeps a protective layer on top. Also the SPF factor is under suspicion that it may be harmful in some way. Just be safe use zinc oxide.

Step 2 - Wear protective clothing such as a broad rimmed hat. Use gloves. Put a scarf over the neck area and wear long sleeves.

Step 3 - This is similar to step one. Use a moisturizing lotion that has the right ingredients in the right amounts. What are those ingredients that you must have to prevent and restore sun damaged skin. Pay very close attention to what I am about to tell you. I know because it works.

The Right Ingredients for Skin Care

These ingredients that I have listed here have been clincally tested in two ways - for safety and for effectiveness. Most skin care products fail one if not both of these tests. So please listen closely.

Shea Butter

This ingredient has been around and used for probably several hundrd years. It cut down the stinging and burning that comes from bug bites or from other skin conditions. The benefits of Shea Butter are good for many skin conditions. Eczema and psoriasis are usually relieved by it.

The benefit to sun damaged skin is that it closely matches natural moisturizers found in the skin. It takes about six to eight weeks to start working. But patience will pay off when the skin starts looking better.

Avocado Extract

Avocado extract is very unique because it is one of the few natural ingredients that has demonstrated that it can encourage collagen production to increase. When more collagen is made it will help remove the sun damaged skin. In turn, wrinkles are reduced faster. As a bonus it has natural vitamin A which is required for general good health

Cynergy TK

Cynergy TK is a patented trademark ingredient that is relatively new to skin care. But it has produced amazing results. It has in it, among others, a protein called Functional Keratin. What is does, according to clincal research trials, is increase the production of elastic fibers and new skin cells. Now this is highly important. It doesn't remove sun damaged skin but it lets it be replaced. And it has happened with some people in as little as 18 days. I give more details on this on my website listed below.

Coenzyme Q10

Scientific studies have tested CoQ10. It has been found in every cell of the body; that makes it very important to say the least. Since it is an antioxidant it fights free radical damage to the skin. CoQ10 has been found greatly depleted in sun damaged skin. By replacing the missing CoQ10 the skin can recover. Improvement in the sun damaged skin areas have been reported on after 6 weeks of use.

Bonus- Bonus

Now let me give you 4 more strong, effective suggestions for getting your skin back to a youthful, beautiful condition.

Follow the above 3 steps along with these effective methods and you might just be totally amazed how pleasantly different you begin to look.

1 - Use a Age Defense Day Cream
2 - Use a Restorative Night Cream
3 - Use a Cleansing Mask
4 - Use a Hydrating Mask
Alternate using the Cleansing and Hydrating very other week. Cleanse one week; hydrate the next.

Frankly, the above suggestions are very beneficial if you have sun damaged skin or not. But once the skin is repaired follow the above advice and you will have skin like you haven't seen for awhile if ever. My recommendation on the above can be found on my website listed below plus the multi-nutrient you need to use.

And now please visit the XtendSkinCare website listed below for updated information on how to remove sun damaged skin..

by : Margaret Bell
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Hair Transplant Surgery – A Growing Hair Loss Solution

Before hair transplant surgery came along, how did men deal with their hair loss? For centuries, men have been losing their hair to genetics, age and inevitability. For centuries, men have tried to disguise their hair loss with powdered wigs, toupees and, more recently, removable hair systems that adhere to the scalp with special adhesive. Why all the worry about hair loss? Because feeling good is looking good and a healthy head of hair is intertwined, psychologically, to our feeling of well-being.

Why do thousands of men each year choose hair transplant surgery as a way to solve their hair loss? Because we feel better when the person we see in the mirror is the person we still expect to see. When our hair goes, so does a chunk of our self-worth. And while modern technology has made amazing breakthroughs in disguising the problem of hair loss, these solutions are not ever going to be like the real thing; the one important thing you get when you choose hair transplant surgery: your own hair growing back on your head.

To understand hair transplant surgery, you have to understand the answer to the question: Why does hair fall out? In the case of men, genes predetermine which areas will thin and bald eventually. Hormones– particularly DHT (dihydrotestosterone) that can shrink the hair follicles and weaken them until they fall out for good – are a significant cause of hair loss. More accurately, once weakened this way, hair fails to regrow to replace the one that has fallen out in the natural shedding process. Thus if more fall out than regrow, baldness will ensue.

We’ve all seen the results of the early and awful attempts at hair transplant surgery with “hair plugs”, which resulted in a scalp that looked more like the surface of a brush, not at all natural looking. Unscrupulous hair loss clinics even performed dangerous hair transplant surgeries by sewing a hairpiece directly onto men’s scalps. Never a good idea. Both of these procedures are now a thing of the past. For good reason men became suspicious of hair transplant surgery at that time.

However, in the past ten to fifteen years, amazing technological breakthroughs have improved the way hair replacement surgery is performed. One type of hair transplant surgery is called Follicular hair transplant surgery, which utilizes micro-surgical techniques and the hair loss patient’s own hair, harvested from an area at the back of his head. One to two strands of hair at a time are individually implanted into the area of the scalp that requires hair. By the end of the hair transplant surgery, thousands of such individual strands with roots intact are implanted into the scalp of the hair loss patient. Great care is taken to angle the hair properly, to give a natural frontal hairline to the patient and to give what will become good coverage of the scalp.

The hair harvested from this back area of the scalp for follicular hair transplant surgery is not prone to the same genetic problems as the hair in the frontal areas. These harvested hairs are predetermined to keep growing, just as they would at the back of a man’s head throughout his life. Once hair transplant surgery is complete, the hair that is visible will shed or fall off. But the root that is still in the scalp will be settling in to grow. Within six months, a new head of hair will grow where no hair was before. Hair transplant surgery is a viable solution to hair loss.

While men’s hair transplant surgery is more common, women, too, suffer from hair loss and can benefit from hair transplant surgery. Women tend to lose their hair in an all-over pattern instead of the typical pattern baldness men experience. Often, hair becomes extremely thin, because hair stops growing back once it falls out. Dihydrotestosterone can affect women in this same way as men, but other factors, such as chemical over-treatment, and tension Alopecia due to over-styling are more common in women who suffer from hair loss.

Gina Reyes underwent treatment for breast cancer with radiation and chemotherapy. Her hair fell out, as expected, but unlike others who regrew their hair, Gina’s hair never came back as thick as it had been before. Her recovery was difficult, made worse by how she felt when she looked in the mirror. She tried everything to cover her hair loss condition, but finally settled on hair transplant surgery. Her recovery was relatively easy and within a month the hair transplanted into her scalp shed. But then, the roots began to grow and Gina’s hair began to look like it used to look. Within a year, she had a new head of hair and her chemo treatments no longer stared at her in the mirror whenever she looked at it. No more will she have to worry about hair systems that adhere to her scalp, or needing to shave what hair she has left to apply it. No more wigs that don’t breathe in the heat. The hair from her hair transplant surgery is real, growing hair.

If you’re suffering from hair loss and you’ve tried the other hair loss solutions only to feel like you’re wearing someone else’s hair, consider going to a hair transplant surgery clinic to see if you are a candidate for hair transplant surgery. The cost is relatively high, but financing is usually available. And when you add up the other hair loss solutions over a lifetime, then add in how you’ll feel about yourself when it’s done, you may just find it’s worth the price of being you again.

by : Travis M. Keeler
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What is HGH?

What is HGH?

There is talk all over the Internet and on television these days about HGH or Human Growth Hormone. Some say it’s a glorious new discovery that can turn back the hands of time, a virtual fountain of youth. Others say that HGH is a dangerous hormone sometimes used by athletes to improve performance but at the risk of their health. How you do you know who to believe?

The truth lies somewhere in between. There is no fountain of youth that will magically take twenty years of aging away, but neither is HGH dangerous or harmful when used properly. In fact, HGH does improve weight loss, encourage development of lean muscle mass and can boost the immune system’s function. The key to successful use of HGH is understanding how it works, why the body needs it and how to avoid the side effects.

A Brief History of HGH

The human body has always produced human growth hormones. HGH isn’t something new or novel. In fact, you couldn’t grow to adulthood or survive for very long at all if your pituitary glands didn’t produce HGH. The reason this hormone has been the focus of research, news reports and lots of Internet chatter is because scientists discovered a way to produce recombinant HGH in the laboratory, making it much more available for medical use. Before this, HGH had to be harvested from the glands of cadavers and use was limited to when it was deemed medically necessary.

Examples of medically necessary use of HGH included stimulating growth in children and teenagers who were obviously not going to reach a normal height on their own. Many doctors also used it to treat Prader-Willi syndrome, an illness characterized by excessive weight gain and short stature. HGH treatments promoted weight loss in these patients, which was essential to improved health, since patients with Prader-Willi invariably become obese as they age.

Is HGH a Fountain of Youth?

During clinical studies of HGH, it was discovered that treatment with this growth hormone also improved lean muscle mass and improved the body’s immune system function. Also noted were improved liver function, increased calcium retention and bone density and the stimulation of improved cell growth, which aided the healing process. This was where the “fountain of youth” tag became mainstream.

The truth is, HGH doesn’t literally make a person younger, but it does give a person a better overall physique, more strength, the ability to recuperate from illnesses and heal from injuries more quickly. All of these traits are those of a younger individual, which is way some see it as a wonderful anti-aging treatment. Think about it – if your bones are less likely to break and you are less likely to get sick than others your age, won’t you feel and act younger?

Is HGH Right for You?

The most important thing to ask yourself when considering using HGH is not how much it costs, how you will be taking it or how much younger you’ll actually feel. You need to find out if HGH is right for you. There are a few instances in which HGH therapy isn’t advised; one of these is if you are diabetic. The changes in insulin levels that sometime accompany the use of HGH can cause complications in diabetics, so it probably isn’t right for you if have diabetes.

There are many instances, however, when HGH is an excellent way to improve your overall health. If you are overweight, HGH can help you lose some of those stubborn fat deposits and retain more lean muscle mass. You’ll not only be improving your appearance, you’ll be improving your overall health, since being obese frequently leads to health problems ranging from high blood pressure to strain on the heart.

HGH is an excellent way to boost your immune system response and improve bone density and strength. If you’re over sixty years old, these are important considerations. HGH can give you a stronger, more reliable body so that you can continue an active, healthy lifestyle much longer. Keep in mind that the older you are, the more the pituitary gland’s production of HGH drops off, so the older you are, the greater the benefit of using HGH.

Should I Worry About the Side Effects of HGH?

The simple answer to the question, “Should I worry about the side effects of HGH?” is simple. You should be concerned about the side effects of HGH, but not necessarily worried. Any time you alter your body’s chemistry or ability to produce a hormone, you should learn as much as you can about what the side effects might be. No reputable will sell you an HGH enhancer or supplement without being completely honest about the possible side effects. If a company says there are never any side effects and that you need to blindly trust them, you should look for a different supplier for your HGH needs.

Are All Side Effects of HGH Bad?

These days people assume that every side effect of a medicine or supplement is automatically bad. The truth is, many medicines have unexpected side effects that can be quite pleasant and beneficial to your health. In the early years of HGH therapy, the goal was to enhance growth, particularly height, in children and teenagers whose pituitary gland didn’t produce enough natural Human Growth Hormone. Over time, researchers and doctors discovered that these patients often lost excess weight and seemed to perform better at athletic tasks.

These positive side effects led to new research into how HGH could improve the lives of people who, as they aged, had experienced a drop in their HGH levels. The theory that HGH could improve their lives by increasing lean muscle mass, decreasing body weight and enhancing the immune system proved true, with the greatest positive impact on individuals over the age of sixty. Many of these patients experienced pleasant side effects such as an increased sex drive, more stamina and a better overall mood.

Of course, there can be negative side effects to HGH enhancement as well. These are often less noticeable if an individual uses HGH enhancers rather than getting the daily HGH injections sometimes given by physicians. The science behind the reasons boils down to a simple truth – daily injections force high levels of recombinant DNA HGH into the body, which can shock the system or trigger side effects because the body may not be ready for the sudden, increased surge of growth hormone.

On the other hand, homeopathic HGH enhancers actually stimulate your pituitary gland to stimulate more of your own HGH. Your body isn’t “surprised” by the increase because it is naturally occurring within your body, not being artificially introduced. If you look for HGH enhancers that are time released you can reduce the chance of side effects even more. A slow release formula that is absorbed into the blood stream at a steady rate won’t lead to spikes in HGH that can lead to side effects. The higher the quality of an HGH formulation, the less likely it is you will suffer from the unpleasant side effects of HGH such as joint pain.

So what are the negative side effects of HGH? The joint pain just mentioned is one that is often felt during the first few weeks of use, but this usually fades as your body adjusts to the increased levels of HGH. Fluid retention, another mild side effect of HGH, also usually decreases as time passes. If these are the only side effects you experience, you’ll probably agree that these are more like minor inconveniences compared to the many advantages of increased HGH production.

The few serious side effects, such as bone overgrowth, severe joint pain or an irregular heartbeat, are often the result of misusing HGH injectable replacement therapy. Be sure you understand how much HGH enhancer you should take and how often, and avoid the temptation to take more than necessary on the theory that “more is better.” This isn’t true and can turn an otherwise wonderful health benefit into a potential health problem.

If you compare brands and find the most trusted HGH enhancers available, you will be able to enjoy improved health and vitality without suffering from any serious side effects of HGH.

by : Steve Cole
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Treating The Symptoms Of Low Testosterone

An enlarged prostate is one of the likely symptoms of having a low level of testosterone. This can result various problems with urination because of the prostate pressing onto the urethra. The prostate gland sits right under the bladder, and surrounds the urethra so when it expands, urine flow is reduced.

Other symptoms of an enlarged prostate can be:

* Poor urinary stream
* Frequent need to urinate
* Unexpected urgency when urinating
* Difficulty urinating
* Straining during urination
* Bladder not completely empty after urination
* Frequent need for night-time urination

Other Symptoms

Aside from the difficulties associated with the enlarged prostate, low testosterone can also produce other symptoms, such as:

* Weight loss
* Fatigue
* Enlarged breast tissue
* Inadequate erections
* Reduced physical stamina
* Lower sex drive
* Reduced muscle mass
* Problems with gallbladder

Though a predominantly female hormone, men also require a level of estrogen as well. Low testosterone levels can also be accompanied by excessive estrogen, and added symptoms from that. Possible symptoms of high estrogen levels in men include:

* Loss of hair
* Gain in weight
* Chronic headaches
* Enlarged prostate
* Bloating
* Enlarged breast tissue
* Irritable moodiness

If you have 2 ore more of these symptoms, you likely have a problem with excessive estrogen. A good approach to this problem is with some dietary changes. Eat organic meat that have no growth hormones in it, and avoid foods made with soy. Soy can actually increase the estrogen-type hormones in your system.

Hormone Shortages

Ironically, the symptoms of low testosterone do not actually result from a shortage of the hormone. Rather, it's the body's inability to use it that causes the problems. There are two natural compounds in the body that can restrict the use of testosterone. The first is sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and the other is albumin. They both bind to the testosterone molecules, and your body cannot free them without additional chemical assistance. Our formula provides exactly that.

Another problem caused by too much SHBG is that it can attach estrogen to the cell tissue of the prostate, as well as increasing the levels of PSA secretions. Both can lead to further prostate problems and even cancer.

Men's Formula

Our Men's Formula is designed to prevent this. But it does more. Our formula stops the enzyme that promotes excessive growth of prostate tissue, which reduces the prostate enlargement that causes so many other health problems.

Sexual symptoms due to low testosterone are also eliminated with our Men's Formula. The ingredients work to increase sexual desire, enhance sensations and improve performance. It has a powerful effect, after only a few hours. Our Women's Formula will provide the same benefits to your female partner.

Adrenal hormones are vital for increased stamina and energy. You'll find that many symptoms of adrenal exhaustion are the same as low testosterone. Both these problems usually begin to appear when you are in your 30s. Symptoms such as exhaustion, reduced sexual drive, loss of overall energy and motivation. We have blended a group of herbal chemicals called adaptogens in our Formula that work will with the previously mentioned testosterone unbinders, so both problems can be addressed at once. Adaptogens help bring your hormones back into balance, and one popular one is Ginseng.

What our Men's Formula contains:

* Wild oat and nettle extracts – these two compounds will undo the testosterone binding process and release more testosterone into your system. You can increase your levels by an average of 105%.
* Pygeum – Pygeum africanum has long been used to improve prostate health.
* Apricot seed oil – Vitamin B-17 (also called amygdalin) is found abundantly in apricot seeds, and its a powerful cancer fighter.
* Pumpkin seed oil – Enlarged prostates can shrink, and bladder problems reduced.
* Saw palmetto – Another compound that can reduce the prostate, improve bladder health and strengthen urinary flow. Specifically, it can reduce the number times you need to urinate, eliminating all those night-time bathroom trips.
* Ginseng – Can increase energy levels, stamina, eliminated fatigue, reduces stress levels and generally improves sexual performance.
* Damiana – A stimulant compound, diuretic and known to be an aphrodisiac.
* Muira Puama – helps reduce impotence problems and loss of libido, eases various nerve problems (like tremors and anxiety).
* Licorice – A long-used remedy for adrenal exhaustion.
* Ginger and Kola nut – Two more compounds to increase energy levels.
* Puncture weed – Tribulus terrestris is another natural testosterone booster.
* Catuaba – Powerful libido improvement, and nervous stimulant.
* Kapikachu – Mucuna pruriens will also improve libido, raises blood circulation to the genital organs, reduces stress and anxiety, and helps in the production of more sex hormones. In particular, it helps to release your existing testosterone from those chemical bindings.

This is a very potent formula, and does not provide mild or subtle changes.

Basically, every man or woman over 30 should be thinking about taking supplements for hormonal balance improvement. Our Men's Formula and Women's Formula will improve testosterone levels for both sexes.

When symptoms are paired with excessive estrogen, usually due to hormones in the food supply, a natural progesterone cream can help further balance your hormone levels without side effects.

by : Victor Leppky
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Aromatherapy: A Relaxation Experience You Owe Yourself

Aromatherapy is the opinion that particular good smelling, plant derived oils enhance your health and physical well being, far beyond the enjoyable smell and nice feeling they endow. They are breathed in, or massaged on, or occasionally consumed.

Aromatherapy is the practice of utilizing the essential oils, from a large mixture of plants, to bring about particular changes in the body or the mood. Scientists determined long ago that smell is a very authoritative thing. For example, particular scents can trigger memories and others can bring about particular mental physical changes. Aromatherapy is said to restore or enhance mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. While such claims are essentially non-testable, you cannot debate with the mountain of testimonies that report these facts for hundreds of thousands of individuals.

Aromatherapy at its core is quite simple. A variety of lavender, geranium, and patchouli relieves tension and anxiety; chamomile and melissa act as antispasmodics and nerve sedatives. Aromatherapy is advertised as a natural way to help patients cope with stress, chronic pain, nausea, and depression and to create a feeling of well-being. Proponents also claim aromatherapy can help relieve bacterial infections; stimulate the immune system; fight colds, flu, and sore throats; improve urine production; increase circulation; and cure cystitis, herpes simplex, acne, headaches, indigestion, premenstrual syndrome, muscle tension, and even cancer. Aromatherapy is viewed by many to be a branch of herbal medicine. It is in fact the use of herbs and flowers in their most concentrated form.

Aromatherapy has also been reported to decrease nausea and vomiting, lessen anxiety and increase quality of life in cancer patients. Aromatherapy is sometimes employed in clinics and hospitals for treatment for pain relief, for labor pain, for relieving pain caused by the side effects of the chemotherapy, and for the rehabilitation of cardiac patients.

In today's world, nearly everyone has stress. Aromatherapy is one effective way to battle stress. Aromatherapy is an ancient yet timely and stunningly modern approach to total well-being that is in tune with nature. While it is no alternative for modern medicine, no matter how much you would like to believe in the healing powers of flowers and plants, the positive effects of it have been experienced and used for literally thousands of years.

For more insights and additional information about the relaxing and healing powers of Aromatherapy Relaxation as well as finding a wealth of resources you can use today to find out for yourself how great aromatherapy can be for you, please visit our web site at

by : Jon Arnold
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Resveratrol And Cancer

The "French Paradox" has often bewildered people. It is the conception that the French can indulge in a not very healthy diet, while having a low case of cancer and circulatory diseases. This evidence was hard to comprehend for many as it looks to go
indicate a direct relationship between a high fat diet and disease.

People were curious of the "French Paradox" and, scientists then started to find out the ground for these determinations. The fact that the French typically drink a large total amount of red wine was considered to be one of the reasons for the French not getting cancer and other diseases. Naturally, individuals were keen to ask why this is, because on the surface it appears to be hard to grasp. actually have a good impact on health, due to the fact it has a large amount of the molecule Resveratrol in it.

Resveratrol has beenidentified as having the ability to be vital to improvements made in the way we This is due to it being presented to be an working antioxidant and is as a result capable of stopping and fixing damage from free radicals - which are mismatched electrons that have to the potential to cause disease, harm cells and be accountable for general aging. Resveratrol has the ability to reduce the potency of, as well as aid normal of radiation.

As a result, products designed purposefully to contain a significant amount of Resveratrol are seen as an improvement on other interventions, such as chemotherapy, which kills healthy cells along with cancerous ones. ability to key out between healthy and bad cells and also has the of and remedy of cancer Studies indicates that Resveratrol can provide the creation of advances in conquering and stopping prostate.

However, Resveratrol is most working when it is similar anti-cancer effects. scientists have concluded that when Resveratrol is interacted with green tea it improves its ability to fight against cancer and other diseases caused by long-term inflammation.

Resveratrol is the source of much excitement because scientists regard it as the start of a society which takes measures in order to prevent. In modern society, the way in which we approach the matter of cancer is to respond in a sensitive way – little consideration is given to cancer up until the point we are directly impacted by it. This because until recently, advice on how to prevent has been virtually non-existent.

However, as scientists continue to identify other nutrients integral for long term health including Resveratrol), in possibility the future inhabitants of the earth will have a markedly better knowledge of how to avert diseases like cancer and heart disease. There will be no apologies then.

by : Russell Mcgowan
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Study: Coffee may reduce or reverse Alzheimer's disease

diseaseDaily coffee consumption may help delay the progress of Alzheimer's disease or reverse the condition, according to a study in Sunday's online edition the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

Drinking coffee has previously been linked to a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's, but this is the first study to suggest that caffeine can directly target the disease itself.

Researchers from the University of South Florida studied 55 mice that had been genetically engineered to develop dementia symptoms identical to those of Alzheimer's as they aged.Alzheimer's occurs when sticky clumps of abnormal protein in the brain called beta-amyloid build up to form plaques, impairing cognitive function.

Half the animals were given a daily dose of caffeine in their drinking water, while the other half continued to drink ordinary water.

By the end of the two-month study, the caffeine-drinking mice were performing far better on tests of memory and thinking than mice given water.

Their memories were as sharp as those of healthy older mice without dementia.The study found that caffeine cut by half the mice's excessive blood and brain levels of beta amyloid."The new findings provide evidence that caffeine could be a viable 'treatment' for established Alzheimer's disease, and not simply a protective strategy," lead author Gary Arendash, a University of South Florida neuroscientist, said in a news release. "That's important because caffeine is a safe drug for most people, it easily enters the brain, and it appears to directly affect the disease process."

The researchers hoped that caffeine could present a safe, inexpensive treatment for dementia and wished to conduct human patient trials as soon as possible."The findings provide evidence that caffeine could be a viable treatment for established Alzheimer’s disease and not simply a protective strategy," said Arendash.

A study in 2002 found that people who consumed caffeine in mid-life were 60 percent less likely to develop the disease.

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What You Should Know About Obesity

Obesity is a problem for adults and children across the U.S. Surveys indicate that 31.1% of the male population was considered obese in 2004, which increased to 33.3% in 2006. For women, 33.2% were obese in 2004, which increased to 35.3% in 2006. Additionally, 16.3% of the children (ages 2 to 19) in the survey needed to lose weight to reach a healthy BMI.

The concern about the obesity epidemic is not merely aesthetic. In fact, links between a number of health conditions and weight have been made. Hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes are just a few conditions overweight people are susceptible to.

According to the Center for Disease Control, obesity and caloric intake are interlinked. "Weight management is all about balance -- balancing the number of calories you consume with the number of calories your body uses or burns off," the site says. For instance, if you eat the same number of calories your body is using each day, then your weight will remain stable.

For the average American, this amount is about 2,000 calories per day. If you eat more calories than your body can use ("in caloric excess"), these calories will store as fat, so if you're going far over 2,000 each day, you need to assess your diet nutrition habits. If you are eating fewer calories than you're using ("in caloric deficit"), your body will begin pulling from its fat cell storage for energy, so your weight will decrease. Most diets suggest between 1,200 - 1,500 calories daily to lose weight.

Genetics may play a role in one's ability or inability to lose weight, but researchers caution that this should not be used as a way of rationalizing the chance of putting on too many pounds, which is taking place in our population. "Despite obesity having strong genetic determinants, the genetic composition of the population does not change rapidly.

Therefore, the large increase in . . . [obesity] must reflect major changes in non-genetic factors," reports James O. Hill and Frederick L. Trowbridge. Genes are linked to excessive weight gain in people with Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome, but in general, any person is capable of adhering to a diet and weight loss regime.

In addition to the overt health consequences, there are also economic ramifications associated with obesity. In 1999, overweight and obese medical expenses accounted for 9.1% of all U.S. medical expenditures, reaching a total of $78.5 billion.

Half of these expenses were paid by Medicaid and Medicare. Today, the expenses are more than $95 billion, which are not only taking its toll with the cost of treatment and diagnostic services, but also in morbidity and mortality costs, with diminished productivity, absenteeism and lost wages.

A state like Mississippi paid out $757 million to service its overweight population's medical needs. With 19.7% of these people served by Medicare and Medicaid, state taxes will be run ragged.

by : Mike Selvon
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