Showing posts with label Varicose Veins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Varicose Veins. Show all posts

Varicose Veins Treatment Tips

Veins or the thin-walled vessels carry impure the blood back to the heart. Also veins act as one-way valve that also prevents impure blood from flowing to backwards. When these small valves become weak, the blood flows back to the veins and then results in congestion due to the clots of blood. With the congestion the veins becomes very enlarged and this condition is well known as varicose veins.

Various types of varicose veins

* Venous lakes
These are pools of blood in the veins found on face and neck.

* Telangiectases
These are fine clusters of blood vessels reddish in color and found on the face or upper body.

* Reticular veins
These are flat, blue veins under skin that are mostly seen behind the knee.

The Major causes of varicose veins

* Pregnancy
* Lack of exercise
* Obesity
* Long-standing periods

Natural Remedies for varicose veins

* Use cider vinegar on to the varicose veins in morning and evening in routine till the veins get shrinking.

* To the affected areas apply vitamin E oil.

* The raw vegetable juices like carrot juice in combination with some other juice like spinach juice has been proved beneficial. It can be also taken in a proportion of 250 ml carrot juice and 180 ml of spinach juice.

* Hot Epsom salt bath is very effective and it should be taken at least twice in a week.

* Over affected area, a mudpack can be applied at night.

* The hot and cold hipbath is very valuable and it can be taken daily.

* Vitamin C is very effective in the treatment of the varicose veins.

* Also the affected area can be sprayed with cold water or cold pack can be easily applied over it.

* For dealing with varicose veins, Sunbathing is also very helpful.

* Some yoga postures like sirshasana, padmasana, gomukhasana, vajrasana and shalabhasana are proved very beneficial as they drain the blood from the legs and reduce pressure on the veins and make blood flow easily.

* Condiments, alcohol, coffee, strong tea, white flour products, white sugar and Potatoes should not be taken.

* Deep breathing exercises are best to prevent the varicose veins problem.

by : steven marks
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